這張是八月八日在杭庭頓圖書館的花園裡拍的。杭庭頓圖書館原本屬於一個萬分有錢的大亨(就是賺到了大錢的人)。那個人叫亨利-杭庭頓。在賺夠了大錢以后,這位大亨於1911年開始花錢興建這座佔地超過150英畝的大型園林建筑群。大部分建設工程於1920年完成。杭庭頓圖書館收藏了近600萬項/件的十分珍貴的書籍,手稿,畫卷及雕塑作品,其藏品數量之巨,種類之多,價值之高,在北美乃至全世界都是首屈一指的。在佔地近10英畝的畫廊裡,我們看到了不盡其數的十八/十九世紀的英/法藝術畫作,例如Gainsborough所作的Blue Boy和Sir Thomas Lawrence所作的Pinkie。PAPA說他最喜歡這一幅女神像(可能是她的神態有點象MAMA吧,呵呵)。
榮登羊城晚報 (謝謝GRANDMA!)
Poems by Michael
The poem above was written about two months prior to Aaron’s birth. I was about to become a father. Besides anxiety, I felt a lot of emotions in remembering my own father, the intriguing three-kingdom stories that he had told of me, the little arithmetical table he had made for me of pine wood, and the basic GO chess techniques that he had taught me… More vividly, the bravery and great perseverance that he had shown during his own fight against a vicious type of brain cancer, of which he eventually and unfortunately died when I was 8.
This one is a bit different. I wrote it at the hotel after a nice evening stroll around the famous Victory Harbor of Hong Kong. I was there on a business trip in 2007 (or 2008?) It has a sense of aggression and yet is not too provocative. It may read like an informal idealism originated from a military setting of the old times... I don’t really remember why I wrote such a piece while laying on the sofa in the suite where I stayed. Might be the “Bloody Mary” drunk at dinner…
The poem on the left belongs to a category called "CI" in the Chinese poetry system. I wrote it while I was visiting Taiwan, for the first time in my life. The older generation in my family used to have a vague tie with those folks who fled to that island about half a century ago, since when the Mainland and Taiwan have been ruled by two different political powers, and the two peoples have led very different lives (till recently).